Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Fine Olive Oil

Why olive oil? Where is it used? What is the difference between "virgin", "extra virgin", "good" and "refined" olive oil? Will this liquid gold loses its nutritional value when heated? How is it stored? Let's see now.
Why use olive oil?
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (mainly oleic acid), which, unlike saturated fats, does not adversely affect cholesterol levels in the blood and may even help reduce slightly.
If you are suffering from constipation, eat this oil more often, and that helps lubricate the intestines and eliminate waste from your body, curing constipation. It also provides natural antioxidants (called polyphenols) that help reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.
What is the difference between "Virgin", "extra virgin", "Fine" and "refined" grade?
The oil extracted from the first pressing of ripe olives is classified as a virgin. Extra virgin, it simply means that the first pressed oil is particularly low in acid - less than 1%. Virgin olive oil may have up to 2% acid. Fino or fine grade is a mixture of extra virgin and virgin oils with an acidity of not more than 3%.
After the first pressed oil, more is drawn in after using a combination of pressure, heat and chemical solvents. These refined oils may be mixed with virgin grade to replace some of the flavors lost in the process, and sold as pure olive oil.
In some countries, may face light olive oil, which has been so finely filtered to remove most of its color and fragrance (and flavor). Has a high smoke point than other types, so it is best for frying at high temperatures.
For best quality, we go to the "Virgin" or "extra virgin" grade, since they come with a fruity flavor. And do not go rancid very quickly and are easier to digest than refined oil.
For nutritional values, which are the same. However, oils with low acidity, such as extra virgin, have more antioxidants.
Where is the olive oil used?
Compared with other vegetable oils, only olive oil tastes too much to replace butter and margarine for a healthier choice. Due to its pure, extra virgin olive oil is often used in salad dressing or dip for bread.
Refined or light is suitable for frying. It may seem expensive to use for frying. But because the oil is four to five times more heat resistant than vegetable oil, which means it can be reused for frying foods many times before it breaks.
Olive oil loses its nutritional value when heated?
When heated at high temperatures, this liquid gold will make your spirit and esters to evaporate. The esters are delicate flavor and fragrance oil.
Therefore, it seems logical to say that their nutritional value is retained even after heating. However, the fact is that oil may break easily, even when exposed to light. Therefore, heat a little will lose its nutritional content, depending on how high the temperature.
If we are so used to cooking with olive oil, I suggest you use a cheaper type as refined and light frying oil and then add a more flavorful extra virgin olive oil to serve.
Olive oil cooking reduces the nutritional value of foods when heated?
Heating foods break down their nutritional value. High heat such as frying is worse than moderate heat and steam, which is worse than eating vegetables raw. Not cooking oil itself, but the high temperatures of frying.
Most nutritionists recommend lightly steaming vegetables or eating them raw. A tasty touch of extra virgin olive oil added at the table add flavor and healthy antioxidants. This is what "Mediterranean diet" is, which has been shown to help prevent heart disease and have other health benefits.
How to store olive oil?
Keep away from heat, ie the range to prevent aging of the oil. It is best to keep a large container in a dark closet, cool and pour a small amount into a dispenser for everyday use. For best storage, you should use a tinted glass container instead of a transparent or worse, clear plastic container.
Alternatively, you can store in the refrigerator or freezer, which greatly extend its useful life. Do not worry about the crystallized waxes in the oil when chilled. All you have to do is thaw and heat the oil back to room temperature for blending.

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