Eating Extra Virgin Olive Oil Your Way to Good Health

Not all fats are bad for your health - there are good and bad fats. Avoid those known as saturated and trans fats, while a diet rich in unsaturated fats, like those found in the best extra virgin olive oil, helps prevent heart disease and certain cancers.

When olive oil comes from

The olive fruit secretes an oily liquid when squeezed into adulthood. This substance contains several types of fatty acids, including:

* Oleic fatty acid
* The palmitic acid
* The linoleic acid
* Linolenic acid

This wonder oil contains high concentrations of oleic acid is a powerful antioxidant known to decrease the risk of coronary heart disease, prevent cell damage, reduce hunger and prevent the onset of diabetes.

The best olive oil is extra virgin

Olives initially appear as round, green fruits that grow well in regions blessed with warm summers and wet winters as the Mediterranean countries Spain, Italy and Greece and southern Australia. The fruits begin to ripen and turn black from late summer and fall just when it starts.

Selection and compression test

The olives are picked carefully handpicking only the mature fruit easily expressed a liquid when squeezed in the stem tip. Many times a second maturity test is done to see if the fruit can be bent and broken in half with a free stone effect. This requires more skill, but is crucial for the production of table olives and the best quality oil.

Washing and water treatment

Immediately after harvest, ripe olives are washed and treated with cold water to remove some of the bitter principles. Shortly after harvest, the fruits are processed at low temperatures to release the oily liquid from the fruit. This immediate removal produces what is known as extra virgin olive oil contains the highest concentration of antioxidants and unsaturated fats. All other extractions at high temperatures and chemical additives such as oil traded "pure" or "light."

Some producers have taken advantage of the media publicity about the benefits of extra virgin olive oil by marketing their products as such, when in fact, use chemicals such as talc and other solvents to produce more oil. Other mixture of a small percentage of virgin olive oil with other types of oil to produce low quality oil.

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